Do the Right Thing Podcast


Everybody likes panel shows. Well, okay that’s not true–some people are snobs against them, but if you’re one of those snobs dead set against the more meaningless fluff panel shows on telly, it’s high time you tried more alternative panel shows, like the Do the Right Thing Podcast, an audio panel show recorded in front of a live studio audience. Like your average 8 Out of 10 Cats, the questions are arbitrary and the points are meaningless, Do the Right Thing‘s focusing around matching the best way to get out of certain scenarios with the most right or most popular solutions. This leads to all sorts of bizarre answers and winners just squeaking by with points based on the fact that they may have (accidentally) said one of the words that appears in the answers.

michaellegge-watercolor2Hosted by Danielle Ward, who has a great voice for radio, and team captains Michael Legge and Margaret Cabourn-Smith, the show is populated by guest panelists, some of whom politely try to come up with ridiculous answers and others, like Paul Foot or Tony Law, who basically live in left field and toss in ideas from it. There is also often an “expert” that the panelists get to quiz, as well as predicaments taken from the audience in effort to “help” them.

S2E5 has all my favorite people in it. Did you know Robin Ince and Josie Long used to do a podcast with Do the Right Thing house musician Martin White? DTRT’s music is funny, though the jingles can get a little obnoxious in close proximity (i.e. getting “Do the wrong thing!” screamed through your headphones over and over). That said, the best episode has to be the one that guests Martin White as a panelist because, well, because Martin White.

Other guests include but are not limited to feminist entertainer Bridget Christie, political animal Andy Zaltzman, podcast king Richard Herring, Bullseye‘s Jesse Thorn, Michael’s doppleganger Dave Gorman, and musical comic Isy Suttie. Listen for free here.

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